The Android Choice Screen — The Sequel

3 min readSep 1, 2022
European Android devices continue to feature Presearch’s private, decentralized search engine

Google continues to list Presearch as Default Search Engine Option on Android in Europe

Android devices in Europe continue to feature Presearch’s private, decentralized search engine.

TORONTO — September 1st, 2022 — Today, we announce that Presearch will continue to be listed by Google as a default search engine option on all new and factory-reset Android devices across the U.K. and Europe.

With more than 4 million registered users and 4 million searches per day, Presearch is one of the world’s 10 most visited blockchain websites and one of the fastest-growing alternatives for private search. Since the announcement last year, Presearch has grown to serve more than 100 million searches each month.

With hundreds of millions of devices sold each year, nearly 70% of smartphone owners in Europe use Android’s operating system. European users will continue to be able to unlock the power of Presearch’s private, blockchain-based search engine right from their phones.

What is the choice screen?

In 2018, Google was fined 4.24 billion euros by the European Commission for unfairly using Android to solidify its search engine dominance. Google agreed to make changes to its default settings, and last year announced it would increase the number of search providers on its default settings page. It also stopped requiring competing search engines to pay to be included.

As a result of these changes, the five most popular eligible search engines (including Google) in each included European country will now be displayed in random order at the top of the Android Choice Screen, followed by up to seven additional search engines afterward. This means that Presearch may appear differently on the choice page of an Android device depending on where a user lives. Regardless of location or device, anyone can use Presearch on their desktop or smartphone via Google Play or the App Store.

If you’ve never heard of Presearch before

Presearch is a decentralized, privacy-focused search engine with more than 4 million registered users who conduct more than 100 million searches per day, making it one of the world’s 10 most-visited blockchain websites and one of the fastest-growing alternatives for search.

Community-driven decentralized search engine Presearch is built by and for We The People. The network utilizes an Ethereum-based blockchain token called PRE to align all stakeholders across a single unit of value. To learn more, visit:

Presearch is backed by a global network of community supporters in more than 100 countries, and its decentralized search engine is powered by more than 73,000 Presearch Nodes that are used to process anonymized user search requests. Node operators earn PRE token rewards for powering the network.

Presearch also operates its own advertising platform that uses Keyword Staking, which allows advertisers to stake PRE tokens to a specific word or term. Whichever advertiser stakes the most tokens to a given keyword has their ad show up when someone searches that term. Advertisers maintain ownership of their PRE tokens while they are staked, so there’s currently no cost per click or impression.

What’s next for Presearch

Presearch has grown daily searches more than 2,000% since 2020, capturing nearly 5% of DuckDuckGo’s marketshare. This growth is in large part due to distribution deals like the Android Choice Screen that provide easy access to the platform while legitimizing Presearch and the crypto space as a whole. Presearch will continue to serve as one of the top on-ramps to crypto while becoming a leading alternative search engine, with plans to reach more than 100 million users.

If you have questions, please join one of our Community links below

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